Steel Cities Steels will deliver or ship to your destination.

Why do customers use Steel Cities instead of a local supplier?

Steel Cities excels in customer service, quality products, and custom solutions. But there are other good reasons why you should consider Steel Cities for your projects instead of a local supplier.

  • Supply Chain Issues - When your current supplier has a long lead time, can’t find the product, or isn’t good at a particular item or product line, Steel Cities has resources to obtain what you need quickly, so in many cases, we can partner up to find the materials you need.

  • Labor Shortage- When our client can’t process all material in-house due to not having enough employees, jobs get backlogged. Another problem we’ve seen is customers get swamped and cannot handle all of the production on steel parts because they are short-handed, some of which has required them to find an outside solution.

  • Attention to Detail - A few new customers need help with attention to detail, and we can help things get noticed. Packaging, tolerances, shipping, part numbers on tickets, domestic steel only, following up on orders, guidance on quotes/orders.

  • Partnerships- Many new customers are looking for partnerships they couldn’t get locally, such as a stock program, kits, just-in-time delivery, etc.

  • Reshoring- Customers seeking to bring back production domestically want a supplier in the United States.

  • Time-Critical Jobs- Some customers must complete the job by a specific date, and local suppliers can’t provide that service.

  • Out-of-State Job - Contractors doing a large job in another state need a supplier for that specific job.

When is Steel Cities not suitable for projects?

In most cases, clients wouldn’t come to us for everyday items they can get from a local supplier in small quantities. It’s much easier, for example, to get a piece of 2x2x1/4 angle, 20’, from a vendor that is close by. So, quite often, we would not recommend you come to us for small quantities of items that are easy to find locally.

Contact Steel Cities Steels for out-of-area projects and jobs.

In most cases, unless you need a small quantity of easily sourced products by local suppliers, contact Steel Cities Steels for all your project needs. A sales representative would be glad to talk further with you to see if it would make sense to work together, depending on your issues and challenges.

Mike Anderson, VP of Sales


Tele: 219-916-3935

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